Plantronics apv 63 ehs adapter avaya manual
APV-63 Electronic Hook Switch Cable for remote Avaya desk phone call control (answer/end). This cable eliminates the need for a HL10 Handset Check with your Telephone Magic sales representative regarding copatibility with your specific phone model. Replacement Note: The APV-63 EHS cable Kabel EHS komunikuje sie elektronicznie z telefonem. Kiedy zaczyna dzwonic telefon (rozmowa przychodzaca), EHS wysyla sygnaly dzwiekowe do bezprzewodowej sluchawki naglownej, dzieki czemu uzytkownik wie, ze nalezy odebrac polaczenie. Pozwala to na swobodne przemieszczanie sie EHS Adapter. Plantronics APV-63 EHS Adapter (Grandstream/AVAYA). Finden Sie Top-Angebote fur Plantronics Apv-63 Kopfhorer fur Telefon bei eBay. Kostenlose Lieferung fur viele Artikel! geprufte Gebrauchtware mit Gewahrleistung / Used and Tested Product with 12-month Guarantee Ohne Mikrofon. Plantronics APV-63 EHS Modul fur Avaya Endgerate, fur SAVI Plantronics APV-63 Electronic Hookswitch Adapter Cable for Avaya Telephones, Savi 700 Series, CS500 Series, MDA200 and Savi Office - 38734-11. ***Replacement Note: The APV-63 EHS cable replaces the APV-62 cable and features compatibility with the Plantronics On-line Indicator Plantronics Apv-63. Compatibility: Savi 700 Cs500 Mda200 Savi Office Produc. Compatibility: Savi 700nCS500nMDA200nSavi Office. Product colour: Black. EHS Cable APV-63, Avaya.
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